North East Outreach & Support Services and Melfort Youth Evolution are excited to announce that we have been chosen again to receive funding from Canadian Tire Jumpstart Charities to deliver “MYE’s Youth Yoga”.
This program will give up to 20 children and youth access to health benefits such as helping to manage their anxiety, improving emotional regulation, boosting self-esteem, increasing body awareness and mindfulness, enhancing concentration and memory, and helping to develop their strength and flexibility.
Here at NEOSS, we believe in healthy, safe communities, and treating everyone with respect and care. Here at NEOSS, we are continuously striving to ensure equity, diversity and inclusion within our entire organization. This aligns with Jumpstart’s commitment to ensuring kids in need have equal access to sports and physical activity; helping kids belong to their communities and feel a part of something bigger, is something that the MYE also strongly believes.

For more information regarding this opportunity for ages 10-18, please see MYE’s Facebook page.